A downloadable comic

Its Saturday night and Austin and his friend Danny have plans to watch a fight on Pay per view. Slight Problem both of them are broke... after Austins Little sister Lexie Humiliates him in front of Danny, Austin decides to steal money from Lexies room to cover the costs. After finding a peculiarly small safe Austin tries to open it only for, he and Danny to be shrunk down to the size of a grain of rice! Lexie later returns to her room unaware of her shrunken brother and his friend who desperately try and get her attention! but lots of unexpected problems occur...

Wow let me just say I loved making this one and its one of my best works yet! IMO


In order to download this comic you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $13.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

LR.rar 278 MB
LR READ.pdf 77 MB

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